Nexus Performance Presents

2025 Events! 


Check out the complete event list here

Learn more about them, keep scrolling


Event Details:

Saturday 12th April

10:00am - 4:30pm

Nexus Performance Townsville

The competition will start at 10am on Saturday 12th April 2025All lifters must be at location by 9am for briefing and competition rundown.

Weigh in details released in emails following registration 24 and 2 hour available.

This event will be following GPC rules, squats will be performed in a monolift with a 25kg squat bar (no walk outs), and deadlifts using a Texas deadlift barbell. This event will qualify you to be in the GPC rankings for 2025 Nationals.

We will have a novice category on the same day, following the same rules.

If you compete with GPC you must be an active GPC member no later than 1 week before the event: Sign up as a member here 


Event Details:

Saturday 3rd May 2025

8:00am - 5:00pm

Nexus Gold Coast
Burleigh Heads

This event is brought to you by Nexus Performance Gold Coast team.

We are excited to offer Gold Coast the opportunity to test their strength in this unsanctioned Novice Powerlifting Event and officially offer our first sanctioned event in our new Burleigh facility, with APL.

This event will offer raw, wraps, tested and untested categories with APL.

Weigh in details released in emails following registration 24 and 2 hour available.

No specific lifting equipment required, no federation fees for the Novice Category, but you will be required to have a valid APL membership and follow the rules as per APL rule book, available on the link here:


Event Details:

Saturday 21st June

8:00am - 4:00pm

Nexus Townsville
238 Woolcock st, Currajong

This event is a sanctioned Australia's Strongest affiliated strongman event, you must be an AS member to participate. We do also have a Novice category for those wanting to step in to the scene and give Strongman a test.

Competition starts at 10am.

Exact meet runnings will depend on how many people sign up for each category. This information will be released via email and social media closer to the event. Weigh in details released in emails following registration 24 and 2 hour available.